Workshop on Nonlinear Effects in Optical Fibers and Integrated Waveguides
Invitation to the 2025 GDR ELIOS Scientific Days in Besançon, France
Following the success of the GDR Scientific Days held in Bordeaux in autumn 2024, we are thrilled to invite you to the 2025 Scientific Days. This event will take place at the FEMTO-ST Research Institute in Besançon, France, on October 14–15, 2025.
Besançon: A City of Art, History, and Innovation
Known as the capital of microtechnology and watchmaking, Besançon offers a rich cultural heritage as a designated City of Art and History.
The GDR ELIOS brings together 25 laboratories and 150 researchers specializing in nonlinear effects in optical fibers and integrated optics. Its mission is to foster scientific collaboration, support ANR and European projects, and strengthen industrial partnerships.
The research spans a broad range of topics, from specialty optical fibers to photonic chips, for applications such as lasers, sensors, frequency combs, artificial intelligence, supercontinuum and second harmonic generation, from UV to the mid-infrared spectrum.
The thematic focus of these scientific days is to disseminate knowledge and strengthen connections within the research community working on nonlinear optical effects, across the following topics:
Optical Fibers and Integrated Optics
Nonlinear Effects (SHG, THG, FWM, etc.)
Solitons, Modulation Instability, and Rogue Waves
Supercontinuum Generation and Parametric Processes
Brillouin and Raman Scattering & Applications
Optical Frequency Combs
Quantum Photonics
Optical Fiber Telecommunications
Fiber Amplifiers and Lasers
Short Pulses and Complex Dynamic Characterization
Applications in Bioimaging, Spectroscopy, Metrology, and Sensing
Call for Contributions
The call for contributions is now open! Sessions will include oral presentations and posters. We encourage you to submit your results, even if they are still preliminary.
Submission Details:
A one-page abstract is required (preferably in English, though French submissions are also accepted).
Participation is limited to 90 attendees, with reservations accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Registration is completely free. To register, click [here]
For information on accommodations, please visit [here].
We are excited to welcome you to Besançon and look forward to a stimulating and productive event!